

DesmondI love all of the critters of this globe, but there is perhaps one that I have put on a pedestal about all others, and that is my little rescue cat, Desmond. I found him when he was 2.5 weeks old abandoned on a bypass near my home. He had a tumor in his ear, severe eye infections, and was covered in ear mites, fleas, you-name-it. The vet prepared me for bad news, but after a ton of medicine, multiple surgeries, and lots of snuggling, he turned into a healthy, though blind, fat housecat. He is totally loveable, rambunctious, and views everything as an adventure. The way he runs and jumps around on the furniture, sometimes I forget that he doesn’t even have eyes. Desmond is a trooper and a real inspiration. You’ll be hearing a lot about him.

More photos here: An Encouraging Day